Wing Chun, a traditional form of Kung Fu, was developed in China about 250 years ago by Ng Mui, a Shaolin Buddhist nun. Wing Chun was made popular by the late Bruce Lee in the ‘60s and by the recent series of Ip Man movies. Wing Chun is known for its’ lightning fast, close-range striking and trapping techniques. These highly effective techniques are combined with pressure points and breathing exercises that can be used to enhance fighting skills or to heal oneself or others.

Wing Chun teaches you to turn your opponent’s force against them.  According to legend, after learning the system from Ng Mui, a young woman named Yim Wing-chun defended herself successfully against a much larger and very aggressive male opponent. Her skill was so impressive that the style was named after her – Wing Chun Kung Fu.

The aim of Wing Chun Kung Fu is to develop physical, mental and spiritual awareness. These elements enable you to transcend life’s ordinary limits. Self-awareness, self-respect and a duty to serve should be the goal of every martial artist. Meditate on these principles and make peace through the study of Kung Fu as a way of life.

Instructor: Sifu Ty Wesley